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Lotus as a symbol of beauty, strength and courage.

Jill Gurfinkel

Thyroid Cancer Survivor & Patient Advocate

I hope my posts make you laugh, think and inspire you not to let any illness stand in your way of living life to the fullest!

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It's Ok To Struggle

This needs to be said: it’s ok to struggle. Losing a thyroid or having one that no longer functions is a significant trauma on your...

More Than Meets the Eye

Over the years, I have heard my fair share of what I like to call “WTF statements” said with the best of intentions by well-meaning...

The Hard Truth

It’s been a while since I have written. Much of the last year has been devoted to dealing with one autoimmune issue after another, with...

The Realities of Thyroid Cancer

Nothing infuriates thyroid cancer patients more than when they hear thyroid cancer being touted as the "good cancer."  After witnessing...

Enough is Enough!

Yesterday was a sad day in our small, online community of thyroid cancer survivors. Two survivors lost their battles to thyroid cancer....

An Open Letter to Dr. Drew

Dear Dr. Drew Congratulations! In a brief statement to a political rag, you managed to reveal one of the biggest misconceptions about...

Is it really that easy?

It seems that during the holidays, we run as hot and cold as a cup of “hot” cocoa. One moment, we are as happy as a kid on Christmas...

Mommy Has Thyroid Cancer

This is from a guest blog post I wrote for HypothyroidMom about what it was like to tell my son that I had cancer. This is one decision...

Thank you ThyroidChange!

I am so honored that ThyroidChange featured the Thyroid Survivor Network today on their page while sharing the article Jodi Meltzer...

There is No Easy Cancer!

Here is a letter I personally wrote which expresses what many of us with thyroid cancer often feel when told we have the easy cancer!...

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